Whey Routine

Whey Routine

One trains physically to reach beyond their potential, and gain more strength. Whey Protein supplements are being used in line with psychotherapy and physiotherapy to regain better vital signs and physical performances. Protein plays a countless and critical role in physiological processes in the body. For healthy individuals 0.8 g/kg/day of protein is required for every individual according to current Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). However, the protein intake of at least 1.4–2 g/kg/day would be required to optimize training adaptations. And there were many Comparators that were carbohydrate supplements, protein-containing foods from animal sources (e.g., meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs), protein-containing vegetarian sources e.g., tofu, legumes, and soy protein. But Whey Protein is something like a crude protein or pure protein.


How is it made? Relying on natural sources, one of them is drinking milk, is a practice that dates back to the domestication of animals in prehistoric times, and has advantage of the extensive nutritional value of that natural product. However, one major part of milk called whey, has not been paid as much attention from the eras, probably because it is a by-product of cheese making.

Moreover, Whey Protein is an excellent protein, chosen by individuals of all ages who value the role of a healthy diet in helping to maintain and improve their health.

Whey Protein is the complete package that contains all the 20 amino acids and all nine essential amino acids, and it is a rich and balanced source of the sulphur amino acids that serve a critical role as antioxidants, precursors to the potent intracellular antioxidant glutathione and in one-carbon metabolism. 

It contains three to four times more bioavailable amino acids than other protein sources. Amino acid like cysteine is important for the biosynthesis of glutathione, a tripeptide with antioxidant, anticarcinogen, and immune stimulatory properties.

Benefits of Whey Protein 

Antiviral and antibacterial effect.

It slows down the growth of bacteria and helps to prevent infection, and activates the immune cells. 


Immune modulatory effect 

Whey contains bioactive components that may offer protection against infections and viruses, enhance immunity, protect against some cancers.Growth factors known as IgF-I and IgF-II promote gut health and wound healing.


Anticarcinogenic properties 

For Cancer patients, undergoing chemotherapy and radiation, it is difficult to maintain the daily nutritional requirement because of nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite and therefore, Whey Protein for them is an excellent choice, easy to digest and gentle in the system.



Physical activity endurance

Whey Protein is a rich source of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), containing the highest known levels of any natural food source, the first one to be used during periods of exercise and resistance training, to sustain longer.



Cardiovascular health 

Milk peptides in the whey helps to lower the blood pressure and helps in decreasing the triglyceride and reducing the LDL cholesterol level.


Weight management 

Diet plays a crucial role in any weight management program and adding Whey Protein is like cherry on top, helps make a positive difference. It is a good choice for diabetics who need to carefully manage food intake. It is the best protein during energy restricted diets for fat loss, when combined with exercise. It improves body composition by increasing muscle mass and reduces abdominal obesity. Ever since, so much research is going on the effect of whey and they found that individuals who consumed Whey Protein weighed less, had less body fat.


Protein supplements and resistance training 

Findings support that adding protein as a post exercise meal in resistance trainers helps in increasing the muscle strength, hypertrophy. And since the caloric intake from protein increases so eventually the caloric intake from carbohydrate and fat needs to be reduced. Milk based proteins as post exercise meals are found to be more beneficial for increasing strength. But it doesn't mean that other proteins are not effective, they are equally effective.

Several studies were conducted on protein and how to maximise the effect of protein and finally it was worth drawing the conclusion that resistance training along with some protein and carbohydrate source together help in optimising muscle strength. 

Because carbohydrate has protein sparing action and thus giving carbohydrate and protein together after workout increases the muscle protein synthesis and decreases the breakdown also increasing the recovery.

Additionally, Thomson et al. (12) showed that higher protein intake also benefits healthy older adults. To stimulate adequate muscle protein synthesis the protein dosing strategy and the timings should be paced well, throughout the day to extract maximum results from resistance training.

Protein supplements and endurance training 

In endurance exercise the glycogen replenishment is prerequisite, therefore 0.6–1.0 g/kg carbohydrate within 30 min of cessation of exercise and again every 2 hrs for the next 4–6 hrs is recommended. Consumption of 1.2 g/kg of carbohydrate every 30 min over 3.5 h resulted in maximal glycogen replenishment.

But along with that 0.8 g/kg per day of protein is also essential for reducing muscle damage and increasing muscle recovery.

Overall, total caloric and protein intake in a day, over the long term play the most crucial dietary roles in facilitating adaptations to exercise. However, it appears that post - exercise protein and carbohydrate intake plays a potentially useful role in optimizing physical performance and positively influencing the subsequent recovery processes.

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